Lee Emerson Tanner, of .433 A L.tvec. P.rEo. arrrv.r Chula Visfa police dcparliw 4-CCHULA VISTA STAR 1 HUR5DAY, OCTOBER 16, 1952 NaillC TWO Cliula VislailS ToTw Arrested On revealed todav, National and 502 Counts Here street by officer and cha.cH Carnival Employee Ai rested Here On Child Molest Count He fo Head --'Ike' Booster Groups with the same onno- arrests wer feited bail. Both maHn Mnndav. Wiltoid Arthur ToUt, of W-i Mill si reel, La Mesa, was arrested bv officer Harlev Cook at the corner of Park Way and Third avenue and charged with driving while intoxicated.
He was fined $100 in South Bay Municipal Court. Two Chula Vistans were named during the past week to head An emplovw of 'the Craft During Past Week A La Mesa man and a San Diego man were arrested and charged with 502s here during the past week, records of the Four drunks and two commort drunks were also police during the past week Shows was arrested Saturday by detectives of the Chula Vista o- licp department and charged with Eisenhower Booster organizations, Mrs. Janet Mueller, of 1184 Tobias Drive, was selected as area chairman for the San Dirgo County Volunteer Women for Eisenhower and William child molest. Spt. John Earnhardt told the -Chiila Vista Star todav.
Cieorco William Safianck. of Plcstervillo. California, an cm broadcasts by Eisenhower or one of thr party leaders, which, according to Mrs. Mueller, will be beamed espirially to the volunteer woman's group. She said the coffee hours are bi-partisan with independent' Voters as well as Republicans and Democrats participating in discussions of candidates and issues.
Heading the county-wide veterans group, of which Drew was named Chula Vista chairman, are Jerry Nicderman, Leland Nielson and Charles Holliday. They reported that similar veterans chairmen have been named in other communities throughout the countv and that widespread Delberf Week-End ployee of the carnival that finish a week's stand at Eucalyptus ti.iu xt'iaiiiiijii Park here Saturday, is out on $250 bail. His attorney appeared Drew was appointed chairman of the Eisenhower-Nixon Veterans Committee. Mrs. Mueller will also head the "coffee hour with Eisenhower" program that calls' for meetings at homes throughout the county every Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock up to and including election day.
The gathering will coincide with transcribed radio for him in South Bay Municipal I Court Tuesday and plead him not guilty, i mi id i i Jury trial has been set for No: Will WM vember 28.. support is lining up behind the Banner oi me man wno iea many OI mem to viciory in me turo-1 Owners Seek Return of Pet ptan phase of World War II. Half of Irrigation Water In State Is Pumped BERKELEY About half the An appeal was made today by SAVINGS FOR EVERYBODY! START YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING NOW! Mr. and Mrs. L.
F. Clawson, of 553 Second avenue, for the re turn of their 15-month-old collie. "Tim." who wandered away rom I I home about 11 a.m. Tuesday. $5.95 MEN'S The dog is snow-white, except irrigatio water in California is distributed bv pumping.
Because ranchers who use irrigation pumps know that the problems of irrigation pumping Mail's Foil Hals for brown spots around his eves Nylon Shirts Regular 5.95! Taxation: Welfare Exemption YCC If I I M-P; rhol PreDertvl I I and on his ears and was last seen vesterdav on National avenue heading for the border. have become more complex in stead of simpler, the University Smartly styled In nevvest brims, bands and shades. Fine workmanship in quality fur felt. 299 I 1 VI iivii win I I fl I pi 1 He is a tet of the Clawson 499 Brand new pm-keml Nylon nport whirl tlmt evry niun wuutM. ItvWy vnlon; blue, wine, brown, yptlnw, (jrey, yellow unil white riind fur ilreHN or itportH wear.
Iidim they require nu Ironing. Spwial of California College of Agriculture has iust issued a new circular by C. N. Johnston, profess children and a watchdog, and th Clawsons are offering a reward for his return. Values to 7.50! Slightly Irregular fAsiFLOW Action) or of irrigation on the Davis campus.
Irrigation Pumps Their Se Hiqh School Students lection and Use," available thru 20 40 Bath Towels Attend Exhibition Agricultural Extension Farm Advisor office, building 1, 4005 Ross- By Champion Typist Men's New Fall Sport Shirts $99 crans discusses pumping units, features of several types of pumps, the application of pumps MONDIIWOIKIIta fUHY AUTOMATIC WAIHII 1.35 Quality! qualitr, thlrk. foft ahNorlMMit towels in extra lurice etie. Beailtiful piuttel color. unU Kll(lit-Iv irreeular. but the to wells, the economics of pumping, and the care and mainten 49' ance of pumping equipment.
he.t value ever in niuu size MEN'S WHITE DRESS SHIRTS $199 Famous Truit-of-the-Loom' perfect Expertly tailored of fine broadcloth. With newest style regular and wide spread collars. Sanforized. Special. Want Ads Pay Phone H-2-1163 Extra Large Fine Quality Bath Towels Monday, students of typing and shorthand at Chula Vista high school, accompanied by Mrs.
Lorraine Lowerison, instructor, attended a typing exhibition by Cortez Peters at Sweetwater high school. Peters has an official record of 141 net five-stroke words per minute for one hour continuous writing and is holder of the world's portable typing championship and world's professional ac curacy award. 'Doctrine of Atonement' Christian Science Sunday Sermon New light on the sometimes involved theological subject of Atonement will be given in all POLITICAL ADVERTIsem*nT "FruIt-of-the-Loom" spun rayons in smartest new solid shades and neat cheeks. Two breast pockets with flaps. Very unusual at this low price! Don't this! MEN'S WORK SOX 4 Pairs l00 Ueg, 35c 29c each! Elastic top, random mixtures with Nylon reinforcements.
Anklet and regular lengths. DIack, grey, white. ALP- Kcff. 59c alue! Another jrreat Delbert towel value! Big, soft towel of extra fine quality and large size. Assorted pastel shades.
Stork up on your towel needs now! Who Has Bedfellows.7 Christian Science churches in the 80 SQ. Cotton Prints girls- Cotion Ilrcssos VALLES TO $1.49 A brand new shipment in fine ginghams and cotton prints. '99e Remember how the Administration kept saying there is no one under the covers except us Democrats and just about that time some "Red" showed through. Be sure of your government officials. V.
Your wash is sparkling white, clean through and through, with Agiflow Action, proven agitator principle perfected by Whirlpool assures eiiro thorough washing action! Plus Famous, Exclusive Sudi-Mitu and the Seven Rlniwl See Whirlpool for finer features vital to Fully Automatic (fSn ftp Washing. 14.79 Reg. 49c Yard A grand time to make school dresses and dozens of other garments. Wide selection of florals, stripes, cheeks, plaids. Fast 36" wide.
Yard, 39C Smartly made with bnc brae, neat lace and embroidery trim. Colorful plaids, cheeks and florals. Fast colors. Sizes 1-3 and 3-6X. Grand values! Heading of the Lesson-Leson entitled "Doctrine of Atonement." Paul's statement to the Corinthians (1:18) constitutes the Golden Text: "The preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God." According to John's Gospel (10:27, 29, 30) Jesus declared, "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand.
1 and my Father are one." "Atonement is the exemplifi OVAL Full Size Chenille BED SPREADS Braided Rugs "What do you mean the oil industry has developed something besides grease to keep a car quiet?" Everything from adhesiuc on tape to the fibers of your finest stockings now comes from petroleum. Standard alone makes more than 1100 petroleum products from the same kinds of crude that used to produce only a dozen or so. That's progress! Your Progress and Oil Progress Go Hand in Hand Oil Progress Week -Oct. 12 to IS STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA plans ahead to serve you better 18x30 Reg. 1.69 49 99 Vote For Eisenhower Nixon Wilson 20x36 Keg.
2.99 595 cation of man's unity with God, whereby man reflects divine Iteff. 6.95 Value!" Closely woven fine ftofe Chenille in lovely patterns. Full bed size. Gorgeous colors beautify your bedroom. Very un-uHual at this low price tiave now! Truth, Life, and Love," explains Ladies Fine NYLON HOSE 3 Pairs For 1.95 60 Gauge' 15 Denier Mary Baker Eddy in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." She continues, "Jesus of Nazareth taught and demonstrated man's oneness with the New hlnment at these low, low pricen! Finely woven of quality materials In assorted colors, hup ply your fiecds now and save! Feather Pillows Ritr soft pillow filled with select feathers 8-IN.
ZIPPERS Father, and for this we owe him 9 First quality and dependable. Wide range of assorted colors. endless homage." Later she writes, "The scientific unity This space ordered and paid for by Wm. N. Drew Trade-Ins Accepted 318 Center Street H-2-528 1 CHULA VISTA and covered with hltfh Krade fentherproof tlcklnit.
Pastel colors with attractive floml designs. Speial each l49l GET QUICK, CAREFUL ESCROW SERVICE Save at this special price! which exists between God and man must be wrought out in life-practice, and God's will must be universally done." (pp. 18, 202 1. 81x108 WHITE White Sheet Blanket Good grade soft white A QQ cotton. Excellent qual-Ity for long wear.
Very special value! DIAPERS BY "CHIX" Famous make of ex- 4QQ ceptionally fine Jf" ity soft cotton weave. 27x27 Inch. Very exceptional value! Reg. 3.49, special. Very Blight Irregulars of regular 1.19 quulity.
KxuulHltely nlKter of lovely texture. hoone from several popular shades and save at this special low price! "FIELDCREST" 100 Wool Blankets 81 108 "Dan River" Bed Sheet REGULAR $3.49 VALUE! 1 and you' never sftfft again! 899 Regular $9.95 Value! Famous quality Fieldcrest, corrert-ly blendel of wool, rayon and cotton for maximum warmth una long wear. With wide satin bind-Inn. Shown In all the new shades. A superb value! Famous brand sheets of perfect quality.
Finely woven, snowy white 41111! lnne- wearinc. Verv specially priced! Stock up now! ttM Ladies Tee Shirts Printed Ouiing Regular $1.29 Value! 99C Reg. 59c Quality! A superior fine quality outing in clever nursery patterns, stripes and florals. White and pastel grounds. 27-IN.
WHITE OUTING ltnely woven of soft cotton knit. Turtle neck, crew' neck, short sleeves and sleeveless. Some with new hat-wing sleeves. Bright pastel colors and white. lit Excellent quality fine soft cotton Yard You'll find fast, sure, dependable service in Security Bank's Escrow Department.
Experienced people watch those many small details which are an important part of successful Escrow handling. When you buy or build entrust your Escrow to Security Bank. Fordomofrc DfivB, Ovtrdrlv, whir iWewall I 1 ajkaiH tirei optional ot astro coiK Equipment, accuorll 4 nd trim lubiecl ro chang without nolk. untir uiinmrtMl fuT vailobl with V-8 onty. II gl tlfrta.ttar V-l 100 Wool Shorty COATS $199 Clever little boxy styles so popular this fall.
Soft woolens! Beautifully lined! Gray, blue, beige. Sizes 10 to 20. Grand values Friday and Saturday! LADIES SLACKS Ladies Reg. 5.99 NEW FALL i dresses: 1 $11 1 I Last minute styling In these smart fall dresses! Rayon crepes, taffetas, wools. Swecp ing flare skirts and straightllne; styles with stunning details Solid colors, grays, browns greens, red, black.
Sizes 9 tt 52. LADIES Cotton Dresses $j88 Reg. 1.99 and 2.99 Values A beautiful selection of smartly styled fast color cotton prints in many attractive patterns and colors. Sizes from 10 to 44. Don't miss this opportunity to save Friday and Saturday, special.
iukuui lunvuitK run auiumaik. uuk 'J r-lj lOIVwIweikitS" Fordomatic not only does your "shifting" for you, it makes all handling easier. It makes rocking out of sand or snow simpler, gives you safe engine braking on steep down-grades (just slide the selector to makes all driving easier on your engine! CHUL'A VISTA BRANCH 301. Third Avenue 99 SIZES 10 20 yr Better styling and working In the new Fall slacks of excellent quality, long wearing Strutter Cloth. Green, brown, navy.
Self belted. ITS TV0 DklVIS IH ONf Fordomatic gives you both Fluid Torque Converter and Automatic Mechanical Gear drives blended into one. You get the smoothness of Fluid Torque Converter plus the "Go" and savings of Automatic Gears! fORDOMATlC WITH V-i OK SIX Whichever you pick, Ford V-8 or Six, Fordomatic makes the most of your power. Both have Ford's power-boost mg, gas-saving Automatic Power Pilot. OPEN FRIDAYS TIL 9 P.M..
Chuia Vista 333 Third Ave. H-2-5354 Vou can pay more but you can't buy better! 11 OFFICES riDEHAL MStRVE r.D.A.F. IMmkwFtderalDtMiif liuroiuCorporotio EST. 1893 National City 925 National 1 Ave. G-7-4169 We Give Green Stamps WANT ADS PAY Itcad The Want Ads! Department Stores Third and Street Chula Vista Phone 11-2-1177.