[Bug Reports] Furnitures unobtainable for guild crafting | Black Desert NA/EU (2025)

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Furnitures unobtainable for guild crafting

Jan 18, 2025, 06:39 (UTC)

22 1 2 0

Last Edit : 3 Hours ago

# 1

Some items needed for guild crafting/knowledge gain cannot be obtained at the moment:

Grotesque Flag Ornament from Imp Flags (https://bdolytics.com/en/EU/db/item/3021)


Statue of Blind Faith Ornament from Cultist Stone statues (https://bdolytics.com/en/EU/db/item/3020)
I have been grinding both for hours, and also other players reported, these mobs dont drop anything, and no one was able to obtain these furniture items, even with properly leveled characters (lvl 1-25 to get proper drops).
Maybe it is an oversight, but in an old drop rework these items might have been turned off.

Either turn these drops back on, or allow to get the guild furniture knowledge from an NPC.


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[Bug Reports] Furnitures unobtainable for guild crafting | Black Desert NA/EU (2025)
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Name: Duane Harber

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